Chag Urim Sameach

TBI Chanukah Party

On this eighth night of Chanukah, I wanted to take an opportunity to wish you and your families a Chag Urim Sameach or Happy Festival of Light!  I have just completed your students Fall Report Cards and am looking forward to sitting down with you on Wednesday, December 16 to discuss your student’s progress.  If you have not signed up for a conference time, please call Anne in the school office ASAP to reserve your time slot.  If you are unable to attend conferences this Wednesday, please contact me to set up an alternative conference or phone meeting.

We have continued to discuss the Covenant of Abraham and how the covenant passed to his son, Isaac, and to Isaac’s son, Jacob.  We have been following the weekly Torah portion, and today discussed Miketz.  We learned about Joseph continuing to use his skill, interpreting dreams for Pharoah, and how his interpretations helped save Egypt during 7 years of famine.  We also learned about how Joseph grew and matured as a person, and was ultimately able to forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery.  Joseph was able to acknowledge that it was God who was the interpreter of the dreams, and Joseph simply the conduit.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday season and that everyone stays safe over break.

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