Katon Clause and Sukkat Shalom Week #4

It has been a week or so since I last updated our 6th grade blog so let me catch you up as to what we have been learning in class.

Trope – Wednesday Hebrew
This week our students learned the beginning of the Katon Clause. They learned the symbols Mahpach Pashta Munach Katon. The Katon clause is highlighted in green. To hear this clause and learn the hand signs, watch: https://youtu.be/PtrgUMR252UWe also learned some important rules about this clause. Pashta is always followed by Katon or Munach Katon, and to be Pashta, the symbol must be on the last letter of the word. We also learned the rule that Mahpach is always followed by Pashta. The students demonstrated this clause with their hand symbols and by chanting aloud. They identified the examples of Munach Katon, and Mahpach Pashta Munach Katon by highlighting the V’ahavta. The Flipgrid assignment for this week is Trope Katon #1: https://flipgrid.com/28d42f86.

We have been very busy in Trope, in the past weeks on Wednesdays we have completed the Sof-Pasuk Clause, the Etnachta Clause, and learned about Sof Sof-Pasuk, or a special melody chanted at the end of the Aliyah, or Torah reading, to indicate to the congregation the Aliyah has ended. To hear and practice chanting any of these clauses visit the Trope page of the blog, or click the highlighted links for specific videos.

Each week, I have asked the students to demonstrate their new skills by chanting on the assigned Flipgrid videos. If your student has yet to complete these challenges, they are still available and count for 50 Mitzvah Points each:

Sof-Pasuk: https://flipgrid.com/ce127285
Etnachta: https://flipgrid.com/caf7e497
Etnachta and Sof-Pasuk Review: https://flipgrid.com/b18c578d
Sof Sof-Pasuk/Sof Aliyah: https://flipgrid.com/6dc7a0d8
Katon #1: https://flipgrid.com/28d42f86

I am so very proud of our Hebrew students, they are all learning quickly and chanting so beautifully!

Sundays – Religious School LaBriut Curriculum
Each week we have been adding to our understanding of Sukkat Shalom, or a shelter of peace. We have just completed our 4th week of Sukkat Shalom, and this Sunday we will complete the unit with the 5th Mifgash (meeting). To demonstrate each learner’s understanding of this Jewish value, or Middah, they have been assigned a Flipgrid assignment for each week, each one worth 100 Mitzvah Points:

Sukkat Shalom Week #1: https://flipgrid.com/48e0b646
Sukkat Shalom Week #2: https://flipgrid.com/5ac4490c
Sukkat Shalom Week #3: https://flipgrid.com/fe3a5d37
Sukkat Shalom Week #4: https://flipgrid.com/4bed8506

Again, I am so proud of how our learners are creatively expressing their understanding! If you would like to see exactly which assignments your student has completed and where they stand in the Mitzvah Points chart visit: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v-fc0pOiZpgmKeYr8WvhrfObLKg7GApFBz5ER7i9W4M/edit?usp=sharing
We have already had several students caught being a mensch (18 MP) and many attending Shabbat Services each week (36 MP).

Thank you for continuing to support your 6th grade learner in all they do!

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