Tashlich 5779

On Wednesday, our class had the opportunity to discuss three topics that are central to this time of year – the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: Forgiveness, ‘Sin’, and Repentance. Without giving them any definitions or insight, I asked the students to define these concepts for themselves in their notebooks, then we would share with the class. The students came up with very thought provoking definitions, you can see here:

For the concept of Forgiveness, the students talked about pardoning someones actions, not holding a grudge, giving a second chance, and that it was a privilege to be forgiven. For ‘Sin’ the students thought that perhaps this was a bad deed, but not necessarily illegal. They came up with the idea that perhaps a sin would be judged by religion or God, not necessarily by a parent, friend, or another person. Then we discussed the idea of Repentance, that is might be defined by seeking forgiveness for committing a sin or bad deed. The students came up with interesting, thought provoking ideas, and I was extremely proud of their creativity.

We placed these concepts in context, by talking about the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as time in which we seek forgiveness from one another, and try to repent for any wrong doing we may have committed during the year. We talked about the custom of Tashlich, and then took a field trip to the Chicago River at Dempster and McCormick so the students could take part in the custom.

Sunday is the beginning of Religious School, as well as the School Picnic and Bake Sale. Tuesday evening we will observe Erev Yom Kippur, a service also known as Kol Nidrei, based on the most central prayer we will sing that evening. Wednesday there will be no Bet Midrash, as the temple will be at ETHS for Yom Kippur services throughout the day. I look forward to seeing you all there!

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