T’filah Project

Yesterday the students and I discussed our next assignment, the T’filah (Prayer) Project.  This is a year-long project where each student in class has the opportunity to be a teacher for the day.  They will research, practice, and present a prayer to the class in a creative and fun way.  We discussed the assignment in detail and what each student’s responsibility will be.  The entire assignment can be found here: https://marlaaviva.edublogs.org/tfilah-project/

MT Journal Edition
Next Wednesday, each student will receive a physical copy of the assignment and we will spend the class discussing how each of them can approach it.  Please check your students assigned teaching date ASAP and let me know immediately of any known conflicts.  We can reschedule if there is an unavoidable conflict (if you are out of town).

Last years 6th graders loved this assignment.  They found it challenging but very worth it.  Many remarked that this was their favorite part of the year.  This assignment allows for each student to shine in their own way.  It calls for accountability and ownership.  I am really looking forward to seeing what are students present.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Marla Aviva Bentley

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